God, Why Me? Well… Why Not?
I believe in God, whatever the hell it might be. The supreme power. The true and only self-governing rule of law. I don't have a face for it. I don’t even have a name. Different peoples of the world refer to it by a different word. The Russians call it Bog, which in English stands for a swamp, goddamnit!.
Religious doctrines have gone awry from the very outset. For them, it’s always been about religion, rather than God itself. Now science is probably the closest to knowing God then anything has ever been. I don’t understand why religion would be so freaked out by it. read more
You Are Your Own Boss. And Your Boss Sucks!
Do you leave your job at 10:15 a.m. to have a quick nap just because you’re hungover? Do you take off for three and a half hours to have lunch with your buddies and discuss the last night’s Super Bowl game? Do you take a cigarette and coffee break every fifteen minutes? Or set out on a designer shoe hunt Tuesday morning? No, you don’t do these things, unless your boss is… well, you.
This is why most artists, freelancers, and entrepreneurs fail almost at the get-go. The terrifying sight of a vast arctic whiteness of a blank sheet of paper that scared the pants off of Ernest Hemingway. The eerie blank canvas of nothingness that gazes into you, sending chills down your spine and setting you off running for your life. read more
To Blog, or Not to Blog?
Your technologically–challenged neighbor does it now. Your personal trainer does it. Your baby sister, your local video store clerk, your fifteen–year–old nephew and even your grandfather’s new girlfriend do it. Naturally, you ask yourself if you should too.
But the first order of business before you decide to embark on your endeavor: do you know what a blog really is? Sure you can ask around. Get those meddling and overbearing self–proclaimed experts involved. Why bother, however, when read more